This is one great step in the right direction…I started this seven years ago with one random cop from Rockland and one random cop from Mount Kisco, and what that did is it got this national attention; it got federal dollars for testing; it got Mount Sinai (hospital in Manhattan) to really look into the cancer connection. — March 13, 2010 Associated Press, 9/11 Responders Have Three Months to Accept Lawsuit Settlement.
June 8, 2012: Associated Press- Feds Favor Expanding 9/11 Health Compensation Program To Include 50 Cancers read article link
September 16, 2011: Westchester Business Journal- Big Risk, big reward for White Plains firm
September 9, 2011: Journal News – 9/11 responders live with injuries, illnesses sustained at Ground Zero read article
December 23, 2010: Journal News – Congress passes Ground Zero health bill read article
November 20, 2010: New York Times – Sept. 11 Workers Agree to Settle Health Lawsuits read article link
November 19, 2010: CNN – 9/11 workers approve settlement with New York City. read article link
David Worby is among those featured in the documentary, The Toxic Clouds of 9/11: A Looming Health Disaster.
An excellent overview of 9/11 health issues, including chemical sensitivity, which is widespread among the 10,000 workers in my mass tort lausuit
—David Worby